School Counseling

  • School counseling programs and school counselor’s work benefits students, parents, teachers, administrators and the overall community. School counseling programs are an integral part of students' daily educational environment, and school counselors should be partners in student achievement.

    On a daily basis, school counselors are involved in character education, violence prevention, career planning and much more.

    The Greece Central School District’s School Counseling Department (K-12) has developed a Comprehensive School Counseling Plan that is aligned with the CASEL Social Emotional Learning Standards, and the American School Counseling Association Mindsets and Behaviors across K-12. This program guide is the result of a review by the counselor’s currently employed in the Greece Central School District. This comprehensive model is the centerpiece of the Greece Central School District’s effort to transform their professional school counseling department. This comprehensive model acts as a manual for counselors and administrators in clarifying the role of the School Counselor.

    What does a School Counselor do?

    School Counselors are trained mental health professionals with a master’s degree in School Counseling who:

    • Help all students apply academic achievement strategies, manage emotions, apply interpersonal skills, and plan for post-secondary options
    • Schedule courses and academic plans
    • Implement the comprehensive school counseling plan curriculum
    • Administer school counseling classroom lessons aligned with ASCA standards and SEL core competencies  and collaborate with teachers for effective implementation
    • Analyze data in order to identify student issues, needs and challenges and to make decisions regarding the comprehensive school counseling program
    • Collaborate with families/teacher/administrator/community for student success
    • Act as a systems change agent to improve equity and  access, achievement and opportunities for all students
    • Provide individual student academic planning and goal setting
    • Facilitate short-term individual and small group counseling to students and mandated counseling to students as appropriate
    • Make referrals for long-term support
    • Advocate for students at individual education plan meetings and other student-focused meetings
    • Provide Indirect Services on behalf of students as a result of the school counselors’ interactions with others including:
      • Consultation 
      • Collaboration 
      • Referrals
    • Provide counseling to students who have been identified with skill deficits that lead to disciplinary concerns
    • Analyze grade-point averages in relationship to achievement
    • Interpret student records and ensure they are maintained as per state and federal regulations
    • Help school administration  identify and resolve student issues, needs and problems
    • Serve as a member of the Committee on Special Education for students with counseling as a related service on their IEPs

    How to access your child’s school counselor:
    Your child’s school counselor is available by calling the schools main line and asking to speak with the counselor assigned to your child’s grade or name.