NHS Advisor:
Mrs. Rachel Furuta, Room 238
The NHS candidacy process begins during the fall of a student's Junior year. Students do not need to do any community service prior to this time. If 9th or 10th graders would like to prepare for candidacy, they should maintain their GPA (88%,) get involved in school and outside activities, and develop their leadership skills.
The basic timeline for NHS candidacy is this:
1) In late fall (November) students who meet initial GPA eligibility requirements (88% cumulative) will receive an email invite and an invite in the mail to attend the 1st informational meeting on candidacy. At the meeting, Mrs. Furuta will explain what NHS is, what it entails, and community service guidelines for candidates. After this meeting, students who are interested in moving forward can begin to fulfill their service requirements.
2) During the winter (usually February,) students will receive another invite to a second meeting. At this meeting, Mrs. Furuta will provide copies of the application, known as the Candidacy packet. Students have approximately a month to complete the packet and finish their service.
3) The Faculty Council reviews packets after they are due and Mrs. Furuta will reach out to individual students if she needs to clarify or gather additional information.
4) Membership letters (acceptances, denials, pending) are sent to students in May.
Throughout this process, GPA eligibility is reviewed each time a marking period closes to ensure that students continue to meet that requirement. Induction is always in the Spring and is held on the same evening as the Award's Ceremony.
For more information regarding National Honor Society, click below.
New documents will be posted here soon.
National Honor Society Candidacy
National Honor Society Community Service form