Daily Announcements
Monday, January 20 (No School k-12, Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
Tuesday, January 21 (Day G)
Wednesday, January 22 (Day H)
Thursday, January 23 (Day I)
Friday, January 24 (Day J)
2024-2025 Letter Day Calendar: This letter day rotation will determine your schedule for that calendar day. We are on a 10 day rotation (A-J). Click here.
Bell Schedule: Click here.
School Mission: The mission of the Athena Middle School community is to assure that all students experience success as they develop appropriate social skills and strive toward academic excellence. At ATMS, we incorporate Leader in Me to teach students to nurture leadership, foster a culture of academic success, learn and apply communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and social-emotional skills.
Habit 1: Be Proactive You are in charge of YOU! (Choice, Accountability, “Focus on your circle of control”)
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind - Have a plan! (Purpose, Define outcomes before you act)
Habit 3: Put First Things First Work First, Then Play! (Prioritize, plan every week, eliminate the unimportant)
Habit 4: Think Win-Win Everyone can Win! (Fairness, Balance courage and consideration, consider other people’s wins as well as your own)
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood Listen before you talk! (Respect, empathy, practice empathetic listening, You have greater influence with others if you truly understand them first)
Habit 6: Synergize Together is Better! (Cooperation, Diversity, Value differences, Let’s come up with something that’s better than what either of us had in mind.)
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Balance feels best! (Continuous improvement, balance, take time for yourself every day because it gives you the ability to do everything else)
ATMS Important Phone Numbers:
ATMS Main Office: 966-8854 or 966-8874
ATMS Attendance Office: 966-8880
Nurse: 966-4005
Security Desk: 966-4218
Upcoming Dates:
January 24 End of 2nd Marking Period
January 29 Asian Lunar New Year (No School Prek-12)
February 3 PTSA 6:30 PM (Athena Library)
February 12 Lockdown Drill
February 12 Grade Level Town Meetings: 8:30-9:00 (7), 1:15-1:45 (8), 2:15-2:45 (6)
February 17-21 Presidents Week Recess (No School Prek-12)
New Announcements:
Perception Survey: Families, we want your input! Please click here to complete the GCSD Family Perception Survey for your school, by Friday, February 7th. This annual anonymous survey helps our district to understand how families feel about their school. Question categories include culture, relationships, safety, instruction, and discipline. By completing the survey, you can enter to win an accompanying sweepstakes for a chance to win a grand prize of Visa gift card ( 2 winners, $50 each) courtesy of the Center for Youth. To enter the sweepstakes please email your name, and phone number to parent.helpline@greececsd.org and mention that you are entering the Family Perception Survey Sweepstakes by February 7th. You do not need to complete the survey to enter.
Yearbook Club: The Yearbook Club wants to remind you that personalized Yearbook orders are due on January 31st! Any yearbook ordered after January 31st will NOT be able to have any kind of personalization. Order your copy soon! Please visit jostens.com to place your order today!
Special Education PTA (SEPTA): SEPTA is hosting a resource fair Thursday, January 23rd from 6:30-7:30 PM in the cafeteria at Autumn Lane. Click here for flyer.
Leader in Me: Students in grades 6, 7, and 8 will focus on the following this week during the ATMS Trojan Broadcast (morning announcements in HR): January 21-24: Habit #3 - I can stay true in the moment of choice.
Transportation: Transportation applications for 25-26 Child Care (K-8), Private/Parochial and 11th and 12th grade opt in are due April 1, 2025. Application forms can be found here: https://www.greececsd.org/Page/603
This information will be mailed to parents who have an application on file for this school year, emailed to Child Care centers and Private/Parochial schools and sent out via Blackboard robo calls. Parents need to complete an application EACH year. Reach out to Transportation with any questions you may have.
Department of Multilingual Education
Transportation Letters for 2025-2026, translated into 8 languages:
Community Schools: Snack donations needed. Please click here for more information.
The New York State Community Schools Network has recently released this Community Schools Messaging Guide.
Substance Abuse Prevention: Please join us for the upcoming Parent Program entitled Hidden in Plain Sight.
Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025 from 6:00 - 7:45pm
Transportation and Support Services Facility, 1790 Latta Road
This is a program made possible through a partnership with the Council on Alcoholism and Addictions of the Finger Lakes. In this interactive program, parents will walk through a simulated teen bedroom to search for signs of drug/alcohol use. This is a great opportunity to learn about the drug culture and the newest ways kids are concealing paraphernalia. Professionals and other community members will discuss current trends of use and strategies for talking with youth. Registration is required and space is limited. Sign up is first come first serve. Childcare for students ages 5-12 is available.
ATHS Musical Footloose: Dates/Times
Friday, Jan 31 at 7pm
Saturday, Feb 1 at 7pm
Sunday, Feb 2 at 2pm
Friday, Feb 7 at 7pm
Saturday, Feb 8 at 7pm
Sunday, Feb 9 at 2pm
Repeat Announcements:
Please take a moment and thank an ATMS staff member: A Staff Shout Out is a special recognition that acknowledges an Athena Middle School staff member who has demonstrated a special effort, an outstanding job, a team mentality, and/or caring communication for students, community members, and/or families. Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge one of our amazing ATMS staff members. Click here for the Google Form.
8th Grade Trip Update Gettysburg and Hershey Park May 29-30): We have 112 students in the 8th grade signed up with first deposit. As a result, one adjustment to the trip. Students will no longer get a meal voucher at Hershey Park due to the lower numbers attending. The cost of the trip remains the same!
Final payment of $200 due March 26, 2025 (Make check payable or Money Order, no cash, to 1st Choice Educational Tours)
Parent Portal: Parent Portal Application (if you do not have an account already) please email gabrielle.magnanti@greececsd.org or susan.lodato@greececsd.org for assistance. View your child’s schedule, grades, attendance, and more. Please go to this site for support.
IC Backpack: Attached is a resource on how to access the IC Backpack.
School Pictures: Picture Day ID: EVTGGTDZM
ATMS Trojan TV: To view live streams of our morning announcements, users should use this link below, which will take you to the morning announcements playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2gbBuDZS2WGC5L7Htjc6MvG6K_ZN7YIX
Yearbook: Click here for details on how to purchase/order a Yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year.
ATMS students can only attend after school events/sports if supervised the entire time by their parent/guardian.
This school year each high school has created their own athletics apparel store. Feel free to visit the websites and show your support! Athena Gear
Winter Athletic Information (Grades 7 and 8): Click here.
Winter Sports Shuttles: shuttle schedule
After School Late Bus: Bus arrives around 3:30 PM and leaves promptly at 3:45PM. Only students that stayed after for an after school activity are allowed to ride the late bus. Students receive a pass from their teacher/coach to ride the bus. Students that stay after for non-school related activities are not allowed to ride the bus. ATMS security and drivers will be checking passes. Ontario Bus will be providing transportation for our Secondary late runs. Athena will each have 3 buses.
Students MUST have a signed bus pass and their address on it to help the driver to take students home
Ontario Drivers will take students home by geographical area like Greece drivers did in the past.
After School Activities: Students are only allowed to stay after school if involved with an extracurricular program. In addition, students in grades 6-8 are not allowed to attend a sporting event unless supervised by their parent/guardian who need to be in attendance the entire time.
Chromebooks and YONDR Pouches: Students, please make sure you have a charged Chromebook when they come to school. In addition, all students, grades 6-8, will use a YONDR Pouch to secure their cell phone/smart watch during the school day. 7th and 8th graders returning to ATMS will use the same pouch they were assigned last school year. 6th graders received their YONDR Pouch the first day of school. The Yondr pouch is a tool GCSD is using to help mitigate the impact that social media and smartphone use is having on our children and teens. We are working hard to ensure that all digital spaces in our schools are positive, safe, and healthy for kids to explore. Making schools cell phone-free is not a punishment. The Yondr pouches are a tool that is being implemented to maximize educational time, improve academic achievement, and support mental health. By limiting distractions during the school day, we hope to limit the negative effects of social media and reduce harmful activities.
Chromebook Log-In: Please click here for information that explains to students how to log-in on their GCSD Chromebook.
Parent Coordinators for Athena: Our goal is to provide integrated support, services and opportunities to students and families, working together for stronger and healthier communities.
Meet our Parent Coordinators for 24-25!!
Transportation (Arrival/Dismissal):
Buses in front loop AM/PM: 250, 252, 255, 417, 466
PM only - 411 (3:20 PM by security desk)
Buses in back loop AM/PM: 335, 390, 421, 426, 434, 445, 448, 471, 491, 492, 500, 506, 516, 518, 526, 531 AM only - 508
Student Meal Pricing and Payment Options: All Greece Central School District students will be eligible for a FREE nutritional breakfast and lunch during the 2024-2025 school year. All menus are available on the district’s website at www.greececsd.org.
For your convenience, money for a la carte or snack purchases can be deposited directly into your child’s school lunch account through one of the following methods:
PREFERRED METHOD – Online Credits Card or PayPal account payment directly through MySchoolBucks.com. Parents who utilize this option can also use this link to receive student low balance alerts, food purchase history and additional critical information. MySchoolBucks does charge a nominal convenience fee for this service.
Cash deposited directly at each cafeteria cash register.
Personal check directly at each cafeteria cash register. ALL personal checks must include a minimum of two telephone numbers. (Reminders: A check must be for a minimum of $10.00. Any returned check will incur service charge penalties.)
Any remaining funds in a student account will be carried over to the next school year. To obtain a refund for a withdrawn or graduating student, a Refund/Transfer Request Form must be completed and submitted via email to freereducedapplication@greececsd.org. Unclaimed funds will then become the property of the District Food Service Department. Though ALL STUDENTS WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR FREE MEALS FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR, the district will still be including Income Data Collection Forms in each household’s welcome packets. Income Data Collection Forms are also available in each school’s cafeteria, main office and district website under the Food Service. Families who are not already directly certified are encouraged to complete and return the surveys. A few reasons are as follows:
Completing the form helps the district secure additional funding for your child’s school. Such funding has been used to add low and no-cost programs like Girls on the Run, Robotics, Esports, community schools programming, Children’s Choir, AVID, and Early College High School.
If the Federal Government releases future P-EBT Food Benefits Cards, families without a current income form might not be eligible for the benefit.
Reduced fees for SAT, ACT, AP tests can not be granted to families if a current income form is not on file.
Reduced tuition and fees for many of our college credit dual enrollment courses.
Reduced fees within the NCAA Eligibility Clearinghouse for athletics.
Food Pantry (by appointment only) - Please email food.pantry@greececsd.org or call 585-966-2288 for an appointment. Emergency food delivery available upon request.
Parent Helpline - Please call 966-2911 or email parent.helpline@greececsd.org with any
questions you may have regarding emergency food, summer supports, or Community Schools. Please allow up to two business days for a response.
Neighborhood Navigation Center - Please call 966-2211 or email nav.center@greececsd.org if you need assistance connecting with local resources and supports including employment, childcare, education, housing, medical/mental health, and more.
Community Schools News: Greece Central School District Food Pantry - Please review this flyer.
Honor Roll: (We do not round up)
95-100 Higher High Honor Roll with Distinction
90-94 High Honor Roll
85-89 Honor Roll
Order Athena apparel at AO Design - click MEMBERS at the top and you will see the Greece Athena Schools option. All supplied locally from Athletic Outlet in Brighton. As always, we truly appreciate your support.
Making Open Communication a Priority: This linked Who to Call with Questions, Concerns and Compliments reference guide is a step-by-step guide families can use to ensure questions are answered quickly and effectively. Please refer to it whenever you need to speak to someone about your child’s progress. We are asking that you log into your child’s Infinite Campus account and review the phone numbers and email addresses listed. Follow these instructions to access your account and make the necessary changes as soon as possible.
PTSA Membership: Follow us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/GreeceAthenaPTSA
Shop our online store https://greeceathena.memberhub.store/
ATMS Clubs/Extracurricular Activities:
Greece Athena's History Club: Explore the Roc! We will focus on learning about and traveling to local sites/ locations with historical and/ or educational connections. Past places include; we have explored have included the Susan B Anthony House, the George Eastman Museum, the Monroe County Courthouse, Mt. Hope Cemetery, the Charlotte Lighthouse, The Rochester Museum and Science Center, and more! We usually meet about twice a month. One meeting will be to learn about and plan for an upcoming trip, and the other meeting will be the trip. Announcements are made to let members know of meeting dates and times, so pay close attention as the dates vary depending on the schedule of our trips. We provide transportation to and from Athena, but we ask that families pick up students from Athena directly after our trips. Our goal has always been to run this club at no cost to students, so there will be a fundraiser or two to help fund our trips. Please see Dan Novellin in Rm. 328 if you are interested or have any questions or email: Alan. Novellin@greececsd.org.
eSports: Mr. Stevens has started an eSports Club after school for students in grades 6-8. Join our Google Classroom - Npsp2x7 (eSports) / ross.stevens@greececsd.org
Greece Athena's Yearbook Club: Students meet once a month to help with the yearbook by picking the cover, creating pages, taking pictures and hanging up posters. See Mrs. Leyendecker Rm. 328 with any questions. Please email Nancy.Leyendecker@greececsd.org
Greece Athena's Spanish Club: Mrs. Diehl's Spanish Club will meet once per month in Room 334 until 3:30 to make cultural crafts, cook, and to complete fun and authentic activities. There is a sign up sheet and students may choose to attend whichever events interest them. Check with Mrs. Diehl for upcoming dates. Email Mrs. Diehl at Lori.Diehl @greececsd.org.
Ski and Snowboarding Club: All students at Greece Athena Middle School are encouraged to join our Ski & Snowboard Club. The ski club travels to Swain Ski Resort on six weeknights during the months of January and February. No experience? No equipment? No problem! All transportation, lift tickets, equipment rentals, and lessons are included in the club's price. This is an amazing opportunity to get outside, be active, meet new friends, and begin a lifetime hobby. For more information, please contact Mr. Moore in room 339, 966-8904, Gabriel.Moore@greececsd.org.
Maker’s Club: Are you in 6th grade? Do you enjoy using your imagination to create new things? Do you love to build things with your hands? This club will enjoy using various fun materials to create unique crafts throughout the school year! Please see or email: Janene.Swanson@greececsd.org
Cooking Club: The goal of the cooking club is to empower students to create food items themselves and express individual styles. Cooking Club gives individuals the opportunity to create community through food. Please see Christine.Epping-Plaisted@greececsd.org
Yoga and Mindfulness Club: Mindfulness/Yoga Club: Click here for more details. We’re excited to announce the start of our brand-new Yoga Club! If you're looking to de-stress, get moving, and improve your focus, this is the perfect place for you. Yoga club will meet on Wednesdays in room 354 with Mrs. Garlock & Mrs. Bailey-Clar. It's a great way to make new friends, stretch, breathe, and get centered. Hope to see you there!
Crochet Club: Learn to crochet household or clothing items! Crochet Club provides students a lifelong skill and hobby. Crochet Club is a place where students can relax and have a creative outlet after school. Please see Christine.Epping-Plaisted@greececsd.org
Positive Vibes: This club is designed to help students reduce stress and develop healthy coping strategies. If you are interested please see Sherrie Welch or email Sherrie.Welch@greececsd.org
Game Club: Students will have the opportunity to meet with their peers and play games such as checkers and chess, Sorry , Apples to Apples and more ! See Maureen Hyde if you are interested. Maureen.Hyde@greececsd.org
Italian Club: The Italian Club’s purpose is to share Italian culture and cuisine, language and heritage while fostering a sense of community with students. Please see Tamara Bugliosi-Gagliardi or email Tamara.Bugliosi@greececsd.org
Student Government: Athena Middle School's Student Government is made up of students from all three grade levels at Athena. This group represents students' interests in the building by organizing school spirit events and activities, organizing community service projects, and identifying ways to make our school community better. 7th and 8th grade Student Government representatives are selected at the beginning of the year through an application process, and 6th grade students are given the opportunity to apply in October. Once selected, we meet on Thursday mornings to plan our events and activities. Please see Mike McGrain in room 329 or email mike.mcgrain@greececsd.org.