Principal:  Mr. Bianco (Interim) 966-8873

    Assistant Principal:  Mr. Holmes 966-8869 Grade 6 (A-M) and Grade 7 

    Assistant Principal:  Mr. Bracy 966-8866 Grade 6 (N-Z) and Grade 8 

    Athletic Office 966-4106

    Attendance Office 966-8880

    Counseling Office:

    8th  Grade Counselor:  Mrs. Mirizio      966-8878

    7th  Grade Counselor:  Ms. Heupel    966-8886

    6th  Grade Counselor:  Ms. Small     966-8865

    Social Worker: Ms. Welch    966-8881

    Library 966-8871

    Nurse 966-8805

    Psychologist 966-8870

    Athena High School 966-4040