Olympia Music and Drama Boosters
Is your child part of the Music and Drama program (Band, Orchestra, Choir, Stage Crew, Musicals) at Greece Olympia? If so, you are already a member of GOMAD (Greece Olympia Music and Drama Boosters).
GOMAD works to enhance the experience of Olympia’s music and drama students through fundraising efforts. We sell concessions at the Fall/Spring Coffee House and the Middle/High School Musicals. Our largest fundraising event happens in December when we run our Annual Holiday Craft Show. With over 100 Vendors, this is one of the largest Craft Shows in Western NY. All proceeds raised are used to enhance the Music and Drama program at Olympia. There are many opportunities to volunteer during the year.
For More Information
President: Shawn Kelly, Sr.
Vice President: Jennine Sweeney
Treasurer: Melissa Naumann
Secretary: Shannon VolkmuthGet up-to-date information for GOMAD by texting 81010 and entering code @GOMAD1139.
GOMAD will keep you informed of the latest happenings.
You can also email us at gomad1139@gmail.com.